Thanks, quite an entertainig read. Just like your divorce from Microsoft.
Thanks, quite an entertainig read. Just like your divorce from Microsoft.
I was contemplating the humblebunde, but I know that I will never get around to playing those games. I have gotten 3 or 4 of them in the past and have only played on or two of the games that came in the bundles.
I am a fan of Infinite. I prefer my Metal Gear to be Solid, not Rising. After reading about a lot of people playing tomb raider around here, I am intrigued.
That looks like one creepy movie... If I have nightmares tonight, I blame you.
Guacamelee sounds amazing, and I really would like to play it. I will probably get it on the Vita, whenever I get one of those.
Crusader Kings 2 always sounded like a game that I would love, so I should probably play past the tutorial.
I am not sure about spending the full price, but I know that EO IV is currently 30 and Virtues Last Reward is 25. If nintendo keeps up the awesome deals the $30 credit for buying both FEA and SMT IV I am sure that I will have reason enough to download regular games as well.
The remake of the first game with added cutscenes and a proper story mode along with the "classic" mode.
The steps on nintendo's website sounded super easy. As easy as sharing games on the PS4.
If I were in a similar situation, I might feel somewhat justified. Since I am not, I still could not do it myself. Sorry to hear that though.
have there not been quite a few games whose development stretched on and on only to be a disappointing product? Duke Nukem Forever and Too Human and Prey come to mind.
I just found this article on Dragon's Crown and found it interesting.