Yeah. I had reviewed it way back when and gave it a 1 lol. The quality is of that sound is pretty BaD. I just thought it was hilarious.
Yeah. I had reviewed it way back when and gave it a 1 lol. The quality is of that sound is pretty BaD. I just thought it was hilarious.
Congrats on the apartment! All I have is Netflix. Whenever I go to my mom's and see how many commercials they bombard you with, how much garbage is on cable, it reminds me that I'm really not missing much.
The retro scene is kind of crazy right now. I had bought Bucky O'Hare on NES not that long ago, and now it goes for double what I paid. There's a company called Analouge that makes Neo Geo systems. They are freaking expensive though.
Yeah. I don't regret buying MS3 and X again. Those games are great and I can play them over and over. Plus it's nice to have the option if I don't feel like hooking my PS2 up again.
If you don't mind watching some old school anime there's also Ranma 1/2. One of the characters turns into a panda when touched by cold water. I think it's on Hulu for free.
Hooray! I'm glad to hear your feeling better.
Man, I love Pixlart. I'm a sucker for these kinds of games. I might look into this one. I hope you like Oniken, Alex. I thought it was a good game.
I want to say Final Fantasy 13-2.... but can't repress a shudder when I think about BaD Dudes on NES. It's absolutely terrible. Although it does have one of my favorite sound effects ever in a game.
I wouldn't mind reading some of those Louis L'Amour books. Do you know a good one to start with? Chili sounds freaking delicous right about now.
Besides the overpriced SD cards this sounds like a cool little device. I'd love to be able to play PSP games on my TV. My PS3 is retired though and I'm not going back.