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Super Step's Comments - Page 209


Posted on 07/29/2018 at 01:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I did a ten album challenge and a seven book challenge. Guess I'll do the others as well.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Review

Posted on 07/28/2018 at 02:10 AM | Filed Under Review

I actually enjoyed what I played of Crash 1 and was welcoming the compact level design and super-precise platforming challenges to a point. Having said that, I think I may take your advice and work backwards in order to get more out of the experience. I think I need to finally abandon the shame associated with not wanting to continue games I find difficult or frustrating. There are just too many I want to see through to the end to adopt that mentality and I'm not sure the challenge is really adding anything to my experience after a point.

Having said that, I do want to feel the gratification of completing all three games and in the context of a platformer I'm in my element enough it's not a dealbreaker; but I think adult me needs to learn it's ok to take breathers from things that ultimately don't help the rest of my life.

Episode 135: Kept You Waiting, Huh?

Posted on 07/26/2018 at 08:00 AM | Filed Under Feature

Congratulations on all the exciting stuff you have going on, Patrick! Since I'm at a crossroads in my life, I think I'll take your advice and start blindly investing in BitCoin.

I didn't know about that Mortal Kombat movie involving James Wann (Hereditary director producing an MK flick? Yes, please) and Russo. Is that related to that short that came out on YouTube forever ago?

That was some uh ... interesting dead air at the end. That's not an editing suggestion; just what I'm telling myself I heard.

Found a site to order my box protectors!

Posted on 07/26/2018 at 07:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

John Hancock is still alive?! Man, that guy is immortal.

Episode 135: Kept You Waiting, Huh?

Posted on 07/25/2018 at 04:56 PM | Filed Under Feature

I have subtitles on for everything now, because I can't friggin' hear anything any more. That's only a problem with new stuff.

I liked the detective stuff in Detroit's demo as well ... even if it is exactly the same thing as the Arkham Origins and Knight crime scene recreations. Except better, because finding clues actually changes outcomes.

I kinda figured you might get sidetracked by the cabaret club, because it's an actual minigame instead of just button mashing in a menu sometimes. I feel like they could have made that more interesting. Have you tried the pocket circuit racing yet?

Barcadia in Dallas doesn't have free games. Dammit. I need to find one of these places where the machines are free. I want to say I played on the Adam's Family machines as a kid before. Probably in a movie theater lobby or some such.

Are Yu-Gi Oh cards worth anything, currently? Asking for myself. And uh ... well, that got poitical. As did Angelo's Twitter, I noticed before I deactivated. Man, that has become a toxic, toxic place (not because of Angelo, just in general).You've never seen Angelo use an emoji, while I've never *seen* Angelo emote at all. Surprised

I'm stopped at 1:04:55, so I'll come back for Patrick's Bloc Chain (?) talk.

Episode 135: Kept You Waiting, Huh?

Posted on 07/25/2018 at 02:05 AM | Filed Under Feature

Well, if you're gonna be in beta form, then I guess it's time for me to make a cuck podcast. Lots of research ahead o' me.I think "Screaming into the Void" might be a good title.

I was so happy for Smash Bros. fans, right up until they went into game mechanics, at which point I checked out. Also, I never used the Ice Climbers. Don't understand the hype train behind them, unless this is a troll meme flying over my head?

I enjoy the hell out of Tekken 7, honestly. I have no idea what it is about it, but I just love the combat in it. With most newer 2D fighters, I have the same issues Julian does (why did I buy this? I suck online). I am still interested in getting that DBZ Arc System Works game from earlier in the year, if for no other reason than the Angry Joe review pointed out earning characters by playing the game. I seriously don't know why that isn't still more of a thing.

I'm pretty sure Viewtiful Joe is in Marvel v. Capcom Ultimate, if nothing else. Or whatever demo I played from last year's E3 that MvC game was.

I'm at the 31-minute mark and am somewhat glad I checked out while I think you were talking God of War, because I still haven't even gotten the shrink wrap off the copy I bought a month or so ago. Job hunting sucks.

Be back for the latter two thirds of this.

The Games of SEGA Genesis Classics Part 2

Posted on 07/23/2018 at 08:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Whenever I hear about tie-in games that are better than they should be, I always think about that FPS game Chex Quest.

Blakes Gaming Update

Posted on 07/23/2018 at 08:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't like having to control the camera in My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend much at all. The gameplay ranged from "orgasmic" to "broken" to boot, and I just found the whole experience inconsistent. I was sad to put it down, because the game had some pretty cool features, but in the end it just wasn't for me.

A Monday Combo Blog

Posted on 07/23/2018 at 07:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's too damn hot!

Also, good news for you:

Hope you're doing well.

Working my Wii back to you babe.

Posted on 07/22/2018 at 06:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The Yakuza games for ps4, but that's not really a collection thing. Honestly, I'm not sure what I would be interested in collecting. 

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