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NSonic79's Comments - Page 216

Papery Things and A Laser Disc. Oh Dear, So 20th C. of You.

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

wait! The independences survived after the covenant war? now that will be confusing given how the covenant themselves are on the vurge of war themselves. Which is odd because I ghought Kilo-five was suppose to help fuel the flames of war within what remains of the covenemant.

I need to get these books.

THIS Is The Kind Of Crap I Was Making Fun Of

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So NOW it makes sense! I thought there was something odd when Forbes ran that article on the specs. Seemed to go against everything nintendo has been trying to do with their systems.

I should've known better when Forbes tries to talk about gaming.

About Sonic CD and Super Meat Boy (And Other Steam Stuff)

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So you have joined the "master race"

Never! NEVER shall I join you. I shall resist with every ounce of my being. Console gaming till the end for me, even if it means the console generations come to an end like how some are speaking of.

Still cool you got Sonic CD and SMB working. I need to redownload SMB again.

Two Things ToYesterday

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

that reminds me that I need to see about this game on XBLA when it goes on sale again. I've passed on it since it pushed the 'artsy" angle on why this game was awesome. I need to see about dusting off my wordpress blog. I'm told if your serious about blogging you need an independent site to post your blogs as you post them on other user generated sites. Perhaps I should try blogger...

I don't know how I feel about the League of Angels ad.

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

that idea still sounds interesting. comparisons are always good when it comes to piror generaions. I myself would like to find the numbers for sales on ONline Pass and non-online pass titles to show that online pass truely hurt those games in the long run.

Uh...I Was Just Kidding Guys + Has The 3DS Peaked?

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

In that perspective it sounds to me that the Forbes article I read about the inside source who's seen specs for NIntendo's new system might hold more relevance now. If that's the case I look forward into owning a WiiU when it goes down to bargin bin prices. We still got a whole year to go though so we'll have to see.

OCR Spotlight: Full Mast (Zelda: The Wind Waker)

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

these songs always confuse me. First it sounds like it would be something I could enjoy listening to while I'm at the beach then suddenly it goes into "pirates of the Carribean" where i want to attack the first beach goer I find with a stick!

Then i go into full exploration mode where i want to visit an old decomissioned lighthouse I know of back on the east coast.

Then it goes all hardcore witht he guitar where I'm just lost in the music.

I'm either easily confused or I need to try to be on the high seas more often.

OCR Spotlight: Chu Chu's Flight (Xenogears)

Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

All this song reminds me is that I reallly need to see about getting this game. I've yet to finish Xenosaga thus my reluctants to get this game for fear of wanting to play it before I fnish the main saga. I like.


Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

meh. I guess I'm not much of a punk fan. though I do like some punk titles this one doesn't do it for me. thanks for sharing though, I need to send this to my brother.


Posted on 01/25/2014 at 06:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been hearing more and more of Battle Born on my local alternative radio station as of late. Oddly they like to link this song with Avenged Sevenfold's Hail to the King.

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