Yeah,I remember seeing those pedals once. They have some for driving games,too. That's a very interesting addition to standard controls.
Yeah,I remember seeing those pedals once. They have some for driving games,too. That's a very interesting addition to standard controls.
Sometimes it's not just porn sites that carry this stuff. Some of the more obscure music sites and celebrity sites can infect you too. Thanks for the warning on this one. That picture taking part is kinda scary. It took complete control over the computer.
My son and I cannot stop playing this game! It is just so amazing. Ellie has a gun now. This helps a lot as she is a crack shot. I have a feeling she is critical to success in making it through tough spots.
I was shocked by this news. Such a fine actor,and a great guy. Only 51 years old,too. That's only 3 years older than me. Far too soon for him to go.
Score one for the almighty dollar! You don't think they did it for us,do you? Money talks and it appears their BS walks.
That's one of my favorite songs by RHCP. It was the highlight of the show when they came here last year. And the Macklemore song was great,too. Forums might be okay on this site. In other places they tend to flare up into flame wars a lot. No respect for the opinion of others at all. Just a bunch of snot-nosed punks flaming each other daily. I'd like to read your gaming timelines. Console launch time is always memorable for me. I remember every one like it was yesterday. Now if I could just remember where I put my keys....damn! I agree about Amy Adams. Ever see her in that movie The Fighter,with Mark Wahlberg? She was incredible and super hot,too.
I don't even try to kid myself. I know I'll end up getting both next year. Already planning on how to make room in my gaming rig for them. I had hoped Microsoft would wise up and do this. They really like our cash,don't they? The bottom line wins the day again. Hooray!
We actually had one of those DDR pads once. Too bad nobody at my house can dance! But then,that was more about keeping rhythms and patterns. Kind of like that old game Simon.
It's a product that was unveiled at E3. Only saw it on one podcast,so I guess it didn't create much buzz.
Video games are the only medium in entertainment where these tactics have been tried. If you hate the ending of a movie or TV show will they re-do it to please you? Fat chance of that happening,ever. I cannot imagine the discussions that took place at Bioware about this matter. It must have seemed ridiculous to them.