Ive been waiting for this day! Smash Bro's has made up for MvC3.
Ive been waiting for this day! Smash Bro's has made up for MvC3.
Sony were the smart ones this time around, last Gen it was said by some that they got flamed for being 'late to the party' but this times it's paid dividends!
I think I'll be returning to PS after seeing what MS had to say, suggesting that we should stick to 360 if we didn't like the online every 24hrs thing really got my goat. Im sure MS will come back, they are master strategists as far as money making is concerned but thats assuming of course they havn't so far off the beaten track that they can't find their way back!
It's a real shame because I read the other day that a new Killer Instinct title will be a microsoft exclusive.... and I love Killer instinct. Really love it! still thats the only X box exclusive that had me excited and given the games histroy I might have to wait to see if this announcement is actually true. Plus it'll take more than one must have to sell the Xbone to me, though the last of us is seriously making me want to buy a PS3!
"females are a diverse demographic as varied as our own"
Well said! the world would be a very boring place if we all had to pretend otherwise, beautiful and buff people are always presented in mainstream media, that represenation can easily be debunked by simply looking out of your living room window (unless your holed up in your basement Ben!)
After a reading this blog:
I have to agree with quite a few of Maddox's points, for example when did you see a picture of a gun on the front cover of vanity fair. Videogames are still mainloy played by guys so it's natural that guys will be targeted. Games are already made for women, but they differ in their style and approach. There are numerous quick games/ apps that revolve around shopping, fashion and friends etc that are hugely popular with females. I don't see why the central gaming community should change it's policy on content just to appease feminism.... and all the whining is going to change jack shit. Money talks, merit walks! I do think there are serious issues with negative influence on society with certain games but in my opinion that comes down to proper parenting, a well balanced and educated individual will be able to seperate fantasy from reality and their relationships with women probably won't be negative or disruptive. Unless she steals the remote, then it's payback time!
I love the film Shawshank redemption (sorry but I'm going to use an obscure context here), for me the film is one about hope even in the most difficult of circumstances but it has scenes of Rape, revenge, brutality and out of this comes something rather special, a moral to the story which I find rather inspiring. Someone else who watches the same film however might have a very different interpretation, find nothing but horror and disgust and feel they can't escape witnessing the 'depravity' of human nature. Same film, two very different view points. Thats how I view the bible, it's a tool ment to help guide people to God. That tool might not work for some (I myself have not yet really read the bible, however I found God in other areas of my life, namely my experiences) but that tool will work for someone else. I suppose my point is that Christianity is a tool for understanding what happens after we die (assuming you believe there is something else of course) and that this particular tool might not work for you, but does work for someone else. I'm not saying of course that extremism can't be bread from the bible but then I believe that extremism can be birthed from pretty much anything. It's about the open mind of the reader rather than the text it's self.
Thats awesome, now I just need some friends.
We've all got our faves, It's good to dream.... just be weary. When Aliens Colonial Marines was released my decade of dreams was broken.... hard. Though I'm sure Kingdom Hearts will be a far more polished game than ACM.