I feel left out.... I really wanted to be invited to this date rape party! imagine waking up next to the 'day one' controller and not remembering what happened the night before..... What .... did.... I .... do!
I feel left out.... I really wanted to be invited to this date rape party! imagine waking up next to the 'day one' controller and not remembering what happened the night before..... What .... did.... I .... do!
I love my 3DS, I really hope they release more N64 classics in full 3D.... F _ Zero...... can you hear me Nintendo!
I'm worried about my gaming life here in Aus now, though the R18 gives me hope, I was gutted to see that State of Decay was delayed, though I cheekily paid for it via my PC so a download was started automatically when I turned my X Box on. One more point, taken literally I can certainly see how the bible can seem very far fetached but underneith the stories lies some good common sense and in many cases principles that many kind and honest people would agree with. I'll stop there though before it sounds like I'm going to start singing Kumbaya on your blog!
I Concur, Hot peppers and Chilli's rule.... except when they are ejected!
Travis touch down and Batman are awesome ideas, i'd love to see these guys grace the next smash bro's plus Mega Man would fit the world so well. Just a shame Nintendo won't be dictated too.
I ve never wanted a PS3......... until now. For once in my life I'm jealous of the Sony crew and all their groupies. One party I should have joined!
This my friend is pure game porn!
Too right, and you've done the right thing putting it out there too, like I say I can't stand that kind of behaviour and you ve also delivered it with professionality. Kudo's to you good sir!
Dissappointing is the only word I can muster for Microsoft at the moment, you can buy games on disk..... but they have to be downloaded onto your hard drive, and you need to connect to the internet every 24 hours, so why bother buying the disk in the first place. Will the downloads be cheaper than the disc? I doubt it, so what incentive is there to buy on disk at all. Their policy for lending games is idiotic, if a game is worth it's salt mates will buy after a try, game renting will be non existant with only free trials available! this will only encourage sloppy development in my opinion as companies will force the consumer to rely on 'tailored' demos and reviews. Man I'm pissed!
If it is true I hope that Mr Stieglitz gets his commupance, I ve worked for a particulraly nasty man who felt nothing in bullying staff and pushing people to their absolute limits in the pursuit of better results. People like this anger me to my core, though I was fortunate to be a civil servent and protected by union rights. I remember once how he tried to 'usher me along' with a push to the back, I quickly spun around and met his gaze, staring blankly until he looked away. People like this are most often cowards. But then again as you say, it could be all rumour..... though no smoke without fire?