It was a really stupid glitch, too. If you did things in a certain order, it glitched and wouldn't give you credit for the student in peril (one gold brick) or the gold brick you got for solving the puzzle.
It was a really stupid glitch, too. If you did things in a certain order, it glitched and wouldn't give you credit for the student in peril (one gold brick) or the gold brick you got for solving the puzzle.
Are you still AIwithWarpDrive?
They don't support cross platform play between consoles, so anything you want to import will have to come from your PS3. I am disappointed, because most of my tables are on my 360.
You're right, I do kick butt on some of those tables, lol. Thor is the one I'm really good at.
I'm playing VII for the first time, and I really can't get into the ATB sytem for precisely the reasons you mention. I keep trying the FF games, but the only ones I really liked so far are I, II, and III.
What system are you playing Pinball FX3 on, John? I've been kicking butt on the Thor table on my PS4.
I really liked The Unfinished Swan, too, once I figured out what the heck I was doing.
I really liked What Remains of Edith Finch. The story was full of dark humor, which I relate well to. I will admit to having laughed at the train bit. I know, I'm a sick individual.
I'm addicted to the games, lol. Thirdrail from 1up refers to me as Lego girl.
Nope, nothing wrong with you, Cary. I like Harry Potter OK, but there are many other YA fantasy series that I think are much, much better. Susan Cooper's The Dark Is Rising series, for one.