I wonder what Capaldi's catchphrase is gonna be...
I wonder what Capaldi's catchphrase is gonna be...
Agreed, for your needs, which aren't plenty, that would be the best choice.
Lol, right, you can never go wrong with a grey haired man/woman/gorilla!
Lol I saw the Korra trailer when it was released too! Now there's two things to be excited about this fall amirite?
Aqua, from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Now THAT game got a female protagonist right. While all hell was breaking loose in the games story, she was the only normal one lol.
The only Metal Gear game I have is MGS 4. I'm only part of the way through it, but I absolutely love it. I'm at the part where they are in Shadow Moses Island (where I think the first game took place?) and the game is really good at building up suspense. When I told my friends about it, I said, "In this game the point is not to get a lot of kills! You want to avoid action as much as possible!" and of course they were very confused lol.
Wait a sec, Tajikistan is a real place lol.
I appreciate these games that try to be realistic, and not just in a graphical sense. Games like CoD are just mindless, but games like these must give a better appreciation for our armed forces.
Shadow of the Colossus and I wanna give it a 9, but IMO it's a really strong 8.
Is just basic word processing and video editing all you need? If so, the Chromebook is a good choice, but I would see myself springing for something with a bit more functionality. Tell me what your basic needs are and I can reccommend something good.
Yup, I like answering questions, especially game related ones, so this poll thing is great!