I binged on Battlestar when it showed up on Netflix. That show is like crack potato chips.lol
I'll get back into Ni No Kuni eventually. Like Mat, I'm not really feeling the combat. But everything alse about it makes up for it.
I binged on Battlestar when it showed up on Netflix. That show is like crack potato chips.lol
I'll get back into Ni No Kuni eventually. Like Mat, I'm not really feeling the combat. But everything alse about it makes up for it.
I had to leave so I missed the after after credits teaser. I have never been a big Cap fan, but of the marvel flicks his have been the best in my opinion. Although that may change after Guardians, I am really amped for that one.
I still have to get through Dark Souls yet. I am amazed how quick some people can plow through these games. My approach to Dark Souls is slow and methodical as shit.lol DS2 with be in the $20 pile by the time I get around to it.
I'm right the opposite here New Orleans. At best I might have one more month before it becomes a giant misserable sauna. Then all I want is to stay inside in the ac. Although, this is the harshest winter we have had down here in a long time. For the first time ever I'm actually kind of tired of the cold.lol
I hate when I'm too tired to play video games. Makes me feel cheated. Well, I guess thats what Netflix is good for.
Sorry for your loss man.
I don't trust mechanics or I should say parts changers.They are not real mechanics. I always double check anything they do. Lugnuts on wheels, oil filter not cross threaded, radiator cap left off, actually put oil in the car. I have actually seen all of these happen.
I hope things lighting up for you. Can't rain all the time.
I have a guide thankfully, but its a bit simple and more desription and less pictures. The instructions it had for a certain tough puzzle were almost as confusing as the puzzle its self.
Happy B-Day! Hitting those mid decade ages are weird. I totally freaked out when I turned 35.lol Alundra is a tough one. I have started it twice over the years and I still have not beat it.
Yeah its kind of silly, but its really more of a spin-off than a prequel/sequel. From what I have heard so far it follows the narative of how Handsom Jack rises to power, with the aid of the 4 new characters. I like the alternate perspective idea and expanding the mythos through the eyes of the bad guys.
My brother just went through this a few months ago. Broke his ankle when he accidentally flipped a golf cart at work. They had to put 2 screws in his akle. Its been about six months and he is back to muy tai training. Hope you have the same luck with the healing.