Well, I meant that I shouldn't have to explain why I'd want to see it. As for the film's plot, that's another discussion entirely.
Well, I meant that I shouldn't have to explain why I'd want to see it. As for the film's plot, that's another discussion entirely.
It was closer to one day but that doesn't make it suck any less.
I don't mind the color, anymore than I do the various sizes of dvds/blu-rays on my shelf. Whatever houses and protects the disc from the elements will be fine for me.
It may not have done much else than update the graphics (in truly impressive fashion) but I felt Halo CE Anniversary was a great remake.
I heard the new Robocop suffers mostly from a shitty script. I suspect the PG-13 rating is the least of its problems. It'll probably become just as dispensable as that Total Recall remake.
And that drove me nuts. On Netflix I actually took enjoyment from building my queue and selecting titles. On Gamefly, they seem to punish you for doing that. Luckily, I really wanted to play all the games on the list but still, Gamefly, your service has been around for that long and you haven't solved that problem?
If I could, I'd give you a big ole hug!
The pain is what it is. It never goes away. It just becomes something you accept and live with. In the past decade, I lost so many family members and friends. Most of them were elderly and the crazy thing is that it was basically an entire generation passing on; most of the family members were grandparents, aunts and uncles. My maternal grandmother was second-to-last to die and my brother and I felt like our childhoods died along with her; so much of our youth was spent in the company of her and the others. I'm sure they knew that I loved them while they lived. The thing is, as a child I wasn't at my best maturity-wise and I feel my time with them would be a lot better if I was the person I am now.
Same thing happened to me. Epic Greenman told me to just empty the queue and put only the title you want (or a few/handful) and you'd have a better shot of receiving it. Netflix's disc service handles this problem so much better.
It's actually a fine service. I've been an on-and-off again member for the past 3-4 years, never staying on for more than 3-5 months. In that time I usually buy a few items from them and before long I have a lot to play that I can't focus on whatever they send me in the mail.
Justified is excellent as always. Like previous seasons I have no idea where they're going with the setup but it usually ends up all kinds of awesome. As far as Amazon Prime goes, you probably won't get the current season episodes until the season is released on dvd (i.e., end of this year or next year). You can purchase the new episodes on Prime, though.
I haven't seen Half-Nelson since it came out but I remember liking it. I still haven't seen The Believer (which is the film that really got Gosling noticed) but Half-Nelson is what made me take notice of him.