I know what your going thru, my family had a simliar incident with their american bulldog. I'm with you.
I know what your going thru, my family had a simliar incident with their american bulldog. I'm with you.
And here I thought they killed off that potental franchise. Looks like I need to find myself a copy of the original to see what all the fuss is about.
I need to listen to one of these one day. I missed out during my days at 1up so I don't want to repeat my mistake.
Is it any wonder why we didn't see a mad max game yet? You even get a "mad max" type outfit in the fallout games! Perhaps the consoles needed to be powerful enough to handle the aweesomeness that is Mad Max. Here's hoping they don't screw this up like how one developer did with the Aliens franchise.
It has been decided. the PS4 is awesome. That is all.
No code for you! since I don't have that system.....yet!
*sinister laugh*
I never really bothered with him in what he says or does with his thoughts. It never occured to me he would be that type of person that would rally that kind of cause despite how it could be easy to go too far.
I guess I'm not in touch with this issue for I play what I want and think what I want. The last thing I want is something telling me what I do/play/say/ is something anti-something when in the end it's only a game.
With that said I didn't know being a raging feminist is the "in" thing at the moment. I thought the "in" thing was to tear down someone over soemthing they said/did so long ago.
Makes me wonder if they learned anything from what happened with the PS3 lanuch. They better think twice if they think all the "extras" this new console offers will be enough to justify that kind of price tag.
I"d go with Kotor 3 with a lightsaber. But I'd concerned they'd try to use that as a kinect object to use in game.
Can't say I've never had the pleasure of that game on the original Xbox. Now if the Xbox One gives us a new Halo side story.....