I want the Zone Of The Enders collection too. I'll get around to it eventually. Peter, you tease!
I want the Zone Of The Enders collection too. I'll get around to it eventually. Peter, you tease!
Don't see why TombRaider needed multi-player in the first place but game companies think it's "all the rage" dontcha know!
I'll probably do a review on Binary Domain,Celt! The game clocks in at around 9-10 hours so it's "generous" but not ridiculously long either.
Maybe my humble contribution will help you decide if it's worth $30.00 or not.
Sorry it went "bust". lol. Ah well, at least $9.00 wasn't much of a sacrifice!
$4,999.00.......I will go no higher!
It's just there are so many shooters already! It's easy for a game to get lost in the shuffle when it's apart of a genre that is so over crowded.
This game simply stands out for me because I haven't really experienced the equivalent of a good Terminator game this generation.
It's cool if some people got enjoyment outta Duke Nukem Forever. I will not rain on their collective parade! However, based on what I saw it just isn't the right Duke game for me.
Even some of the humor in Saints Row The 3rd rubs me the wrong way but I could probably overlook it if the game itself was fun enough.
However, even when my preferences are different I try not to "blitz out" and go into kooky "Boycott this game!" territory. (Unless it's as terrible as Custard's Revenge)
I'm finally getting tired of zombies. Took me awhile to get there but here I am! lol. The thought of going up against robots (some who even look & act like us) is a chilling and intriguing concept for me. Sorta makes you realize ANYONE can be a machine and even if they are, you're not going to know about it right away. The problem with zombies is once a person is 100% infected we know right away they've "changed". Not so with hollow children.
Missing games and missing music cds would drive me apeshit. lol. You seem to be handling it better. But seriously, you might have a kleptomaniac goblin living under your bed,yo!
Someday I'll play the awesome that is Yakuza. Someday! On a related note, I did pick up Binary Domain and I've read people from the Yakuza dev. team were involved with it as well.