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NSonic79's Comments - Page 342


Posted on 03/24/2013 at 11:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

good luck with the clean up. I can't even imagine what all would be needed to clean your bad.

looking forward to your next episode. really enjoying bullet heaven. Learned so much about trigger heart thatn I didn't know of before.

Replacing my PS3 Drive - Step 1

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 11:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm going to track this swap writing.

I didn't have to do much backing up when I did mine given I didn't own much on my system. that's when I learned the heard way how I had to re-download all the patches that were given to most of the games I owned. 

Good News! Online Pass Games have their own category on PSN!

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 11:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have a scary feeling that in the future when past games (and their systems are looked back on) they'll be surprised to see games that didn't need online pass and DRM to be fully enjoyed well after that particualr game's pouplarity had waned.

digital offerings might have a glimmer of hope if they stay true to their purchase word. It may just say we are buying the rights to play the game, but I'm still able to redownload them if I have to reformat/delete games on my console systems hard dirves.

StarCraft 2...

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good luck

Given the content of half of those games, beating them in any fair order will be a proud undertaking indeed. Hopefully just as enjoyable than a bother. happy hunting.

Metal Gear Mario, Gamecube, PS3

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Can't think of one. Never got far in the twin snakes given I had to return the rented copy I acquired. Been meaning to get this game if only to enjoy the nintendo specfics offered.

Good News! Online Pass Games have their own category on PSN!

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

In those moments one had to find a specific game offered in the add ons section, then search that section to thumb thru the offerings from various offerings of DLC. return back to the main screen to search a competely different game, rinse and repeat.

this new mode makes it easier to find what I seek but in a better world Online Pass would not be there to begin with.

MAR.14.13> $$$$$$$$> MONEY, YO> SER'S DAILY BIT

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I only wish I could just sell off rare systems as if it were a whim moment. I'd take your GC but I'd rather invesnt in the hard to find component cable for the one I have.

It's Thursday and Mothman's been shopping

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

at those prices I would've bought those games too if I were still unemployed.

I need to see about upgrading my PS3 memory soon too. my 120 GB's is starting to run low. Just need to find a high enough GB to last me for a LONG time.

American McGee Hinting at Possibility for Alice 3

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm down for it. I thought Madness Returns was an excellent game, even with it's odd offering of Online Pass where they give you the original game that was never on consoles before then.

Perhaps I should see about investing in the sequel.

Looks like the Fire Emblem rush is over

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 09:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Looks like I missed out given I don't have the system for it. I'll focus on the Project Rainfall games instead. Even then I missed out on the series as a whole.

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