I liked NES too. We had Double Dribble, Mario/Duck Hunt, Anticipation, Chessmaster, and a couple others.
I liked NES too. We had Double Dribble, Mario/Duck Hunt, Anticipation, Chessmaster, and a couple others.
I found a decent sounding remixed version when I tried to find the Target ad on YouTube.
My class had a test over Magazines, Recordings and Radio recently and had to know that Eagles Greatest Hits 71-75 traded the #1 place with Thriller as far as best-selling albums for a while.
My favorite Eagles song to play as a DJ when the student radio station did Classic Hits on the weekends was "One of These Nights."
I kinda wish they would have just remastered the vocals. I prefer the originals, honestly.
Maybe it's just to keep people from hoarding them and price gouging on the other end. Might not be a bad thing overall.
I just want games to tell me how close I am to getting a trophy in them. Like how many weeble dee wobbles have I killed already? Cause I don't want to go all the way back to their fortress yet if it's 8, but if it's 3/10 of them, fine.
And OMG FFVII looks awesome. I think the remake might become my introduction to the series if they're still planning on scrapping the turn-based aspect.
I didn't get a workout in like I'd wanted, but I do feel more energized this morning than normal. It's nice.
Too bad I feel EVEN MORE SLEEPY trying to sleep after waking up and even more tired after that when it doesn't work and I wind up checking my phone.
I have shut my eyes but not slept since i typed this. Well see.
It looks a lot like other recent 8 bit titles (n++, niddhog) but more fun to me and damn that's cool music.
I remember wanting to play Red Steel when it came out but I had no wii and it received average reviews.
I have RE4 HD on Steam, but I have to lower the frame rate so it runs. I might just find the GCN version.
Rythm Heaven has a DS title right? I might look for that.
I remember renting Rygar on PS2 and got stuck. I had no idea there was an NES game until that remake came out.