Posted on 04/30/2013 at 10:29 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
Imagine if the world of videogame developers were set out like 'Game of thrones'. You'd have hot headed new kings wanna be's like Apple making plans to take on generals of experience (who would make better kings than the one currently sat on the throne) in the liking of Microsoft and Sony (you know the characters, the two high rankers who plot against each other and the king at the same time) and of course the king himself. Nintendo. The king sits there not because he is the best, but because he was. He still relies on stories of old battles and successes and whilst he may have glimmers of his old brilliance his methods are truly outdated and eventually lead to his down fall.
A touch long winded perhaps but thats what Nintendo are at the moment. Their biggest mistake is that they seem to believe that they have the 'casual and family' market covered at the moment.... and they do but not for long. Apple are the real masters of family interactivity, their I pad has revolutionised the way families use technology and the casual gamer can pay much less for games on Apple products than they can on Nintendo's offerings. Nintendo only peddle their last strong holds and flag ships, Mario and Zelda.
I totally agree with you here, they are quite simply missing on Billions of dollars of Revenue by holding out on classics that quite frankly people would buy again and again, myself included. They are loosing on the experienced and hardcore gamer by ignoring this simple proposition you are making. I used to love Nintendo to pieces, they are still capable of producing amazing games but a system needs more than 10 odd titles that are seriously worth playing now a days and Nintendo has lost the confidence of third party development and their loyal followers.
They will die evetually, probably as they sit on their throne by their closest aide.
Great blog by the way.