Posted on 02/09/2017 at 12:50 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
High Noon is one of my dad's favorites along with Dr. Zhivago and The Producers. I have only seen The Producers (the original, not the remake).
I beat the first Sonic through emulation, but couldn't beat the final boss on 2 or 3 I think.
I still haven't finished Golden Sun. Hell, I haven't finished but a dungeon or two in that RPG.
I think I've beaten an Arkham game and found riddler trophies with no online help, but it may have been City. Or maybe there were one or two I had to look up, but didn't feel guilty about. Anyway, good job there.
What was the Platinum trophy?
My most recent hard-earned accomplishment was finally getting the last trophy I needed in Arkham Knight to Platinum. Brutality 101 was a bitch and took a year to get even with online help.
Otherwise, I'm just proud of the fact I've actually finished the story in most games I own, though that's becoming less true with all these sales and my lack of time. It was a lot easier to blow through all my Zeldas as a kid than it is now to find time or console space for Witcher III or Bloodborne.