Nice blog! I'd go as far to say that all that happens when certain complaints are made about the 'representation of women' all that really happens is a new definition takes over. Big boobs have always had a rather large 'audience' that are interested in that sort of thing (probably most men!) but now it seems to have fallen into the 'porn' category. You usually see large breasts used in abundance in mens magazines and of course porn itself. Going back to the 80's/ 90's when shows like baywatch glorified big boobs on TV, it was a mainstream appreciation through one of the only visual media outlets thats could reach millions of people. The internet rolled in and porn became more accessible (and concealable) which gave guys the opportunity to view big boobs all day. Men still find large breasts very attractive.....and always will, it's just now TV and cinema has 'evolved' into showing more 'realistic women' (I use these terms very much tongue in cheek!) and the ladies used are still very pretty, just smaller boobs than Pam Anderson and Co were parading around back in the day. Media outlets (that try to pander to a larger audience, which often include families) have now declared that big boobs mean over sexualisation....... but they are still very pretty. I laugh a little inside when I read about how Lara's new look is much more with the times, I see her muddied face and torn clothes and instantly think of that Shakira music vid wheres she's playing around in the mud. The presentation of women is no better now than it was before as very few companies would make their heroine plain looking or even ugly. It reminds me of a review of the American version of the TV show Skins, comparing it to the British version. One reviewer wrote that American producers are 'too afraid to put ugly people on screen' and he has a point. Large boobs, small boobs, even no boobs at all (see the fashion industry) I can guarentee you one thing: no matter what their boob size they will always be very very pretty, because no one wants to spend 20 - 30 hours staring at a minger.
I genuinely feel sorry for young girls more than young guys because for the fellas 'whats hot' has always been fairly consistent, just have a ripped bod. Sure size can onceagain vary but thats all we need to get our moment in the spotlight. It doesn't matter if its Jean Claud Van Damme or Ryan Reynolds, that amazing bod looks the same on big screens now as it did 20 or even 30 years ago. Girls have so much more change to deal with! but thats not gaming developers fault, it's the fault of 'mainstream media' which to this day is still TV, Cinema and Magazines.