I hated Ashley. Xenophobes aren't sexy at all.
I hated Ashley. Xenophobes aren't sexy at all.
I could never get into Gwar. Decibel Magazine published a retrospective on them a while back that was great reading, though.
The films were consistently visually stunning (par the course for Michael Bay films) but the scripts are a joke. There's no way in hell that movies like these need to be 2 1/2 hours long. There's too much padding; too many unnecessary subplots and characters (mostly human) that I don't care about. It's somewhat amazing that Shia LeBouf is very likable in the first film but becomes more annoying and selfish as the film progresses. It was my understanding that your main human character evolves and grows over the course of a three film arc (e.g. Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars OT). By the third film, he's selfish, full of smug entitlement and unsure of himself, despite all he's been through. I really don't get how two attractive girls would date that character; he's a pompous ass.
Revenge of the Fallen is what happens when the script is rushed or too much bad improv is filmed. It's also amazingly mean-spirited in tone, to the profanity, behavior and (for lack of a better term) autobot violence. Don't even get me started on John Turturro, Decepticon testicles or Autobot Heaven. Ugh.
I still like the first film (it's the only one I own) and Dark of the Moon, despite its self-indulgences, was a return to form. It's definitely one of the best 3D films I've ever seen.
The animation still holds up, particularly the Unicron sequences. I recall feeling frustrated that the Decepticons didn't suffer many losses over the course of the film, while the Autobots take such a beating. They just got away with too much shit. And while Unicron is defeated at the end, Galvatron's demise felt unsatisfying because there was no way to know if he was dead or incapacitated in some way (oh, he's floating in space; I feel so much better). That said, I do have to admire the cavalier attitude of the writers to really shake things up and put the Autobots on retreat during the entire film (feels like The Empire Strikes Back).
I haven't seen the dvd yet. For a while I owned the VHS (which was a rental copy from a hometown rental store before it sold its VHS stock).
The GOTY isn't necessary for me at this point. I was crazy enough to buy all the map packs when they were released.
I owned the Sega Genesis Collection back when I owned a PSP. I played it specifically for Phantasy Star IV on the go but somehow I'd always put some time in Columns.
People who bitch about scores that don't validate/confirm their own opinions about a game (whether or not they've played it) are juvenile and unimaginative. We act like there's an ultimate truth when it comes to the value of art or entertainment; that's a bullshit line of logic. Everything you like or hate comes from your perspective and experiences in life (what other criteria can you use?). Its in our nature to disagree or see things differently in all aspects of life. It's okay to like/dislike something while others don't.
It's a sign that you're getting older. Not having all the time in the world and accepting that limits what you do in your spare time. I love gaming but it sometimes takes a backseat to film or tv or sleep.
Nice grabs. When I used to own a PSP, I had CCC: Remixed. I enjoyed that one. I planned to buy Reloaded at some point but that fell through (along with the plan to keep the PSP).
The first RPG I ever played was Phantasy Star II and I learned that rule of grinding just as quick. The good thing about DFB1 is that it doesn't punish you as you grind like PS2 did.