I found him annoying, which means his act is pretty darn good...hopefully it is an act.
I found him annoying, which means his act is pretty darn good...hopefully it is an act.
I thought bears loved picnic baskets
Awesome pictures, and thanks for sharing. As much as I like animals after seeing a bear in a trash can, I probably wouldn't go outside for a long while.
I'm getting the impression that it seems that Ubisoft is having alot of problems with this version of Assassins and the graphics issue is just another problem to add to the list. They should have seen this as a problem from the beginning and built their game at that framerate. This could be a game that many will avoid because of these issues.
Books and gelato, that sounds like a good way to spend an afternoon. As for your chicken story, hot damn that is some F up stuff. There is certainly a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes to get folks a carton of eggs.
My first thoughts about this as someone who doesn't follow the books is how will this be portrayed in the movies and video games. As DarthKill pointed it out there was some of this in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 game, which I enjoyed and since Tony Stark will be in the next Captain America along with wanting to be on Agents of SHIELD, I can't wait to see how this is handled. Heck I want to check the comics when this is released.
Oh iPad and Android games are so much fun. The trick is to find the quality stuff because there is a lot of crap. I'm addicted to Star Wars Commander, but I wish the people who attacked my base weren't under protection by the time I get to wanting to invade their bases.
I wish they would have released Pre Sequel on the Vita. I enjoyed the Vita version so much, plus I didn't get dizzy which is always a plus. I should force myself into playing longer stretches on the console to get used to it.
Wow there seems to be a lot of people playing Pier Solar. It doesn't look like my type of game but I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.
Hopefully soon your PS3 is returned to you.
I kind of regret not buying the XBox version, but this will be a good starting point for me. If I like it, I'll just have to hunt down the XBox version.
Damn that Dobby, he not only stole my socks, he's getting rid of that static cling out of them.