I love that intro for Good mourning, Black Friday. That's one of my favorite intros ever. They could have ended that song after Mustaine says "WTF is this?!?!" and it still would have been awesome lol.
I love that intro for Good mourning, Black Friday. That's one of my favorite intros ever. They could have ended that song after Mustaine says "WTF is this?!?!" and it still would have been awesome lol.
This remotely sounds like Corpse Party on PSP. That game was mostly about the story. It was pretty creepy too despite the 16 bit style graphics. I wonder if this is gonna come to Steam.
I just wish they would forget about all the gimmicky bullshit. Did we really need a tablet controller? Maybe release some games? My brother gave me a Wii, but I got rid of it because the idiotic motion controls pissed me off. I'm now ready to be flamed into oblivion lol.
I'm glad to see Uncharted on here. I certainly had my fill of that rubbish.
I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe they read it and just couldn't think of anything to say? It's hard keeping up when everybody is pumping out blogs like insane madmen. Headed over there right now Alex!
I bought a N64 a while back. I only have 10 games for it and I don't know what else to buy lol. I've searched through release lists. Nothing appeals to me. I mainly wanted it for Killer Instinct Gold. Time hasn't been so kind to some of those early gen 3D games.
Well, the ending pissed me off immensely. I've seen better endings on NES games. I'm amazed I managed to get to that point though. I didn't give a crap about either character, stopped caring about the "plot" halfway through the game, I could tolerate the battle system in 13, but it felt all too familiar... blah, blah, blah. There's lots of reasons why I hated it.
FF 6 is easily my favorite FF game. It was the first RPG I played too. Honestly.... I didn't like it that much the first time I played it. I was used to platformers, beat em ups, and what not (and was 12). So reading all that text was weird and I thought the battles were boring. I must have played through it at least 20 times since. There's so much to love about it. Kefka is my favorite villian ever. That laugh!
I never really made it that far in Shinobi 3, but definitely agree that it's one of the best Genesis games. I plan on beating it one of these days. I wonder if they got that surfing level from the TMNT games on NES.
There are some games that I can play over and over endlessly. I must have beat Doom at least 1000 times lol. There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with Unreal Tournament 2k3 and played it for like 6 years. Diablo helped me a lot when I was struggling with my depression. Which is funny since that game is so dark and depressing. I know what you mean though. My backlog is insane. So nowadays I'm mostly just trying to whittle it down.