I do enjoy those games, heck I picked up R-Type last week in a Humble Bundle. It was the main reason why I picked up that bundle
I do enjoy those games, heck I picked up R-Type last week in a Humble Bundle. It was the main reason why I picked up that bundle
It looks like a perfect game for iOS/Android.
I'm currently waiting for this game to drop in price before picking it up but your mention of throwing knives is something I would probably spend a lot of time doing.
I haven't played a Mario Kart game since N64, but this game looks like a lot of fun. I've been thinking about picking up a Mario Kart for my 3DS. I know it's probably not up to the same standards but it will fill my MK need.
Damn 84 hours! Major props. I think the only game I would have probably sunk that much time into was one of the NCAA Football games. That character looks badass.
I would probably think Whataburger isn't bad...but quickly claim In-N-Out is better
Oh nice, I can't remember if I ever played Dark Souls 2. I didn't know what NG+ is (thanks Google) but heck can't go wrong with more of a game that you really enjoyed.
It does look cool, but I miss the fighting without the weapons. Again hopefully I'm wrong and this game turns out to be great. Heck I should try and actually finish the Mortal Kombat game on the PS3/Vita.
Well that animated movie on one of the movie channels said Batman had a contigency plan for every superhero just in case they got out of hand, and if I remember if Flash stopped running, he'd explode.
Oh the things I watch when I'm trying to fall asleep.
I like it. Simple football game, that gives you a quick fix, and it has Mississippi counts. How do you not like this?
They run at the same speed but they made Flash to look like he's faster.