I like AC for the discovery stuff. It's a relaxation thing for me. Even when the kids were small I was the one who played the GC version the most. I'd lose all track of time seeing how many different fish I could catch.
I like AC for the discovery stuff. It's a relaxation thing for me. Even when the kids were small I was the one who played the GC version the most. I'd lose all track of time seeing how many different fish I could catch.
Personally I don't want to pay $60 for a digital game and the only reason I pay that for a physical game is to sell it once I'm done.
Ok, it used to be that I bought games to collect them and even from that perspective digital doesn't make sense. First because consoles will have to support multiple Terabytes of space for the collector and second because having a 5 TB HD full of games just ain't the same as having physical discs and cartridges.
Yes I've embraced digital in the form of Virtual Console, the eShop and PSN but those games fall into the following categories. They were either free, dirt cheap or unavailable in any other format.
Anyway it didn't take much to put me in the Anti-M$ camp because I've always been there. Long before I ever bought an NES I've hated those underhanded, arrogant pricks. I bought their first two systems because there were games I wanted so it was a necessary evil. However those systems didn't come with all the baggage that the One does. They just provided me with a damn good reason to keep my money and I thank them for that.
Hey I wander off to where I shouldn't be all the time so no biggie. For example, as soon as I have a boat in DQ I like to get off at random islands just to see what's there often with fatal results. I save a lot. :)
I may pick up Dark Arisen next month. When I picked up Animal Crossing I got 10 dollars towards any game over 20 bucks in the month of July. I would have put that toward SMT IV but I already preordered that one at EB
I'm definitely interested in infamous and slightly curious about FF XV.
I'm not sure I'll like any new FF at all since I like to strategize and select what my characters are going to do then watch it play out. Seeing how fast I can press X and Y in rapid succession while holding down the left and right triggers and manipulating the right stick with your nose leaves me cold.
As for anything coming out on the Microsoft platform I don't care what it is or how nice it looks because they are dead to me.
It's the act of collecting everything that is so addictive IMO. The museum alone takes tons of time and patience to build every dinosaur, collect every insect, fish and painting. There's a sense of accomplishment in knowing you got everything because there's a lot of rare stuff that can only be found at certain times.
Then there's paying off and expanding your home and in the new game there's improving your approval level with the citizens of your village.
It's not for everyone but people who like to "catch 'em all" or just want to land that one big fish will enjoy it.
I have been really tempted to pick up the Oracle games but with everything I have to play on 3DS currently it would feel like gluttony. LOL
Could have been worse. Could have been "Leisure Suit Larry In Men's Room Mayhem". :)
If we don't look after them, who will? :)
Here's hoping he gets better soon. A weeks pay for a vet visit? Yikes! But I've been in a similar situation and you want to do everything you can for your pets. I spent $1600 to have one of our cats treated. They gave her 3 enemas and an ultrasound to try to fix a blockage. Then she wound up passing the blockage at home after we'd lost all hope of her getting better. It was awful.