I watched Kingsman too! I missed the first five minutes because I didn't leave early enough. Plus I took out my niece and nephew on Sunday to go and watch the new Sponge Bob movie; funnier that I thought it was going to be.
I watched Kingsman too! I missed the first five minutes because I didn't leave early enough. Plus I took out my niece and nephew on Sunday to go and watch the new Sponge Bob movie; funnier that I thought it was going to be.
I don't know man, it looks kind of fun but I would rather have Left 4 Dead 3.
I might jump on and download SFvT on the PS Vita later.
Welcome to this gaming generation.
I think my PSN is RmSkater, goes to show you that I haven't using my PS4 that much. (Just no time to play).
I tried this collection and I just couldn't get into it. Maybe it was Daxter constantly showing his annoying face everytime you died or those awfully hovercraft sections. Yeah, not my cup of tea.
I'll be playing Shadow Warrior on the PC, funny game and gory as hell.
I've been using Windows 8 on my laptop for the past few months; I really hated that App menu.
Valentine's Day is not a stat holiday, therefore no chance of double time or time and half where ever available.
I've been playing Spider-Man: Unlimited on my iPhone for the past three months. Waiting for that spider energy to refill sucks.
The Last of Us is great and it looks gorgeous on the PS4. Yeah, bills suck.
20 sided dies, never held one in my hands.