Nice list man! Although I can't really agree with Heroes of the Lance lol. I wish we would have got a decent Dragonlance game. I love that series. I bought Blaster Master a while back, but haven't put much time into it yet.
Nice list man! Although I can't really agree with Heroes of the Lance lol. I wish we would have got a decent Dragonlance game. I love that series. I bought Blaster Master a while back, but haven't put much time into it yet.
Yeah. I need a SNES. I have a FC Twin (which plays NES and SNES games) but it's not the same thing, and there are some compatitibility issues. I bought a NES again just to play Bucky O'Hare properly. I haven't beaten Hard Corps despite being a Contra fanatic. I will though. I love how there are different playable characters. Hard Corps Uprising was really good too.
Good luck on your reviews Jamie. You know I'll stop by, and at least try to leave some kind of lame comment even if I haven't played the game lol.
Hey Chris. It's good to know your still alive lol. Good luck with baby number 2.
I had a Genesis way back in the day, but was always biased toward Nintendo systems. I recently found one at Goodwill though for like $5. That was the best $5 I ever spent! Genesis had a lot of great exclusives. Some of my favorites would be Mutant League Football, Contra Hard Corps, and Gauntlet 4.
I really hope Mirror's Edge 2 comes to PC. I absolutely loved the first one despite it's flaws. It was one of my favorite games on PS3. I don't really see the combat as necessary either. The most fun I had with that game was trying to get perfect runs on the time trials.
I probably already said this... but I am really enjoying finally being able to run Torchlight 2! I downloaded POE as well, and am looking forward to putting some quality time into it. I want to try Bloodlines too. Dammit Blake!!! PC gaming is just way too good right now.
I was really late to this series, but have since played through all of them. It's close between this one and Snake Eater, but overall I prefer the original the most. My favorite thing about MGS though is how you can shoot people in the head with tranquilizer darts lol. It never gets old.
I played through Resistance 3 recently. It was pretty good. My favorite is still the first one though. The 2nd had a good campaign, but the multiplayer was kinda meh.
I never could get the hang of using the stylus on DS. Why does Nintendo's modern systems have to be so damn gimmicky all the time?! My brother gave me a Wii, but I got rid of it because the motion controls pissed me off so bad. Sorry if that has nothing to do with your blog Joe lol.