Ooh bring on the BAMM! You'll like this comment because I know nothing about Metal Gear V, so I'll make things up, like can you believe they travel back in time to take on dinosaurs? How awesome is that
Ooh bring on the BAMM! You'll like this comment because I know nothing about Metal Gear V, so I'll make things up, like can you believe they travel back in time to take on dinosaurs? How awesome is that
Hey that poker game is one of the PS+ games I have on my PS3 that I haven't touched yet. I need to give it a try and see if it's taking up space
That's the copy I bought. I wasn't going to repurchase any of the Lego games on the 360 but I wanted those two pack games because they were the type of things you only saw from XBox. After that I bought a couple of other Lego games that I already had on PS3.
Yup, I don't know what happened, I was good with them on the original Playstation, but once I tried them on the PS2 motion sickness. It must be the bump in graphics.
You got some awesome finds! I remember watching Kung Fu Hustle at the movie theater, thinking it was a straight up martial arts film.
Looks like a couple of good pickups you got there. No worries about being lost in your game, I seem to do that as well.
Hate being flat broke, but on the bright side your game shipped and you are closer to April!
HAHAHA hot damn it took 3 months and I finally got hit with the year change. I blame BaD!
Hot damn, just another reason I call myself a Casual Catholic. Only time I follow the fish on Friday's is during Lent.
If we're all going down someone needs to grab Cary's legs, he's going to miss all the fun.
It's good, I swear!
Cheese & bacon on fries however are on a whole other level of pure awesomeness.