So glad to see Anachronox on here. I had randomly bought that on GOG because it was on sale for dirt cheap. I only played it a few minutes to make sure it worked, but I could tell it was gonna be good from that little amount of time.
So glad to see Anachronox on here. I had randomly bought that on GOG because it was on sale for dirt cheap. I only played it a few minutes to make sure it worked, but I could tell it was gonna be good from that little amount of time.
Trama Center Second Opinion was great. It's gets really hard though. Thanks for the forums!!! Now to figure out what to post there lol.
I was thinking about trying to beat your scores on DK Classics. It'd give me an excuse to play that and a goal anyway.
I didn't watch the game either. I did, however, finish Quake 4 again. It had been a long time since I played that. It's not my favorite in the series, but definitely better than Doom 3. Which is funny since it runs off the same engine.
I didn't watch the Superbowl. Blasphemy, I know. I always thought watching football was so boring. I read that Marilyn Monroe made an appearence in one of the commercials on Facebook though. So that one gets my vote.
I played the first Deus EX awhile back. It was really dated, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. From what I've seen of the new one it looks a lot better. I was tempted to buy it too..... MUST resist the urge! Damn you Steam! Damn you!!!
Cool beans man. Did you ever play Ninja Golf on Atari? It plays like a normal golf game for the most part, but after you hit the ball, and go get it, you fight ninjas!
Resident Evil 4 is such a fantastic game. I put endless hours into it and then got addicted to the Mercenaries mini game. I think it's on Steam if you can't find the Gamecube version. They don't sell Gamecube games at Gamestop over here. Hell. It seems like they are getting rid of PS2 games too. I have no use for that place lol.
Holy crap Pete. You are pumping out the blogs like a true BaD ass.
Take care of yourself GH. This place just wouldn't be the same without you. I know they are so BaD for me, but I fear I'm addicted to soda. Lately I've been on a Vanilla Coke and Cherry Dr. Pepper binge.