Like some other people here, I wanted to like Ni No Kuni, but it really has bad combat.
Like some other people here, I wanted to like Ni No Kuni, but it really has bad combat.
The real question that matters though: Do you still have Shaq-Fu?
I disagree on the narrative, I felt it was paced very well. Couldn't stop playing it, always had to see what happened next. However, Batmobile, I half agree on. The car combat is meh and out of place, they should have just stuck with puzzles and driving for it.
Though I do like the Riddler challenges.What you said on restarting is 100% correct, but I had fun with the tracks and felt like it's in his character to design things around everything Batman has, including the Batmobile. And since he couldn't do that the last two times, he's just overcompensating. Or I'm giving Rocksteady too much credit and it's really them overcompensating. I don't know. But I had fun with the Riddler puzzles and racing.
Interesting. That raspy voice makes it too hard for me to take him, Keaton or Kilmer seriously at times
This is just based on the Batmen, nit the actual movies. The Dark Knight is lightyear ahead of any other live action Batman movie. Though The Lego Movie is still the greatest movie ever made
I knew he origininated from Detective Comics all along.
Huh, well color me surprised. I just assumed that because Robin was in it not even a year after it was aimed at kids from the beginning. Should check those original ones out
When I say level design, I more mean the enemy placement and the multiple paths placed. Was not impressed with DS2's at all there. And here's why the life bar is a huge problem: Stress. Even if it's mitigated by those things, I still feel stressed I may be stuck with half health later on and either push through with that or restart. And frankly, that feeling is one I can do without, even if it doesn't happen.
Greenman Gaming had Arkham Knight for $36 so I went ahead and bought it. Excited to play it now.
A maybe which we wouldn't be asking if they would have just included 2 and 3.