I'm digging the lineup of topics, and it's going to be an interesting read to see how someone younger than me views their generation.
I'm digging the lineup of topics, and it's going to be an interesting read to see how someone younger than me views their generation.
This is an interesting subject. I've spent time in some games just looking around and being amazed. I was really impressed with Uncharted on the Vita, as well as other games on the PS3. Are you going to limit this to just console stuff or the PC as well? I've seen some really amazing screenshots from PC games. Props to the artists, designers, and fans who create the mods.
Sounds like some good reading coming up. I have some ideas on things I want to write about. It jumps from music to games to TV. BaD is going to be fun this year!
Looking good. especially the log-in screen.
Oh man, I almost bought the most recent Skylanders set when Best Buy dropped it to $59.99. So close but I don't know if I want to start buying a ton of figures. That bundle sounds interesting, but 8GB seems low. Can you upgrade the hard drive?
Oh wait these sales are daily? Dang it, I thought they were weekly like PSN's. I might have missed out...oh well. I do like checking out which games drop to $5 and $7 bucks and I picked up Mirror's Edge. I never played it on the consoles but for $5, it was worth a try.
Looks good, can't wait to give it a try when it's released to us. Thanks for the hard work and making our piece of the internet more enjoyable!
Looks like a visit to Youtube will be in order, because I checked out the site that I signed up for and I have no idea what's going on.
That's the one thing I like about consoles, plug and play. PC has these quirks but damn when everything is clicking, the gaming is awesome.
I finished the first X-Men Legends (enjoyed it), but I don't think I ever completed Rise of the Apocalypse.
I have a love/hate relationship with Royals. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. Her live version fell into the I don't category. My favorite moment was when Kendrick and Imagine Dragons were performing and Taylor Swift was dancing. Twitter was comedy during this time.
I'm becoming a fan of Trombone Shorty. My friends love him, and I enjoyed his last album. I might pick it up in the near future.