If you ever do get a PS4 or Vita, Tearaway is made for you, probably would be the game I'd recommend you get first. I thought Cuphead looked pretty fantastic too.
If you ever do get a PS4 or Vita, Tearaway is made for you, probably would be the game I'd recommend you get first. I thought Cuphead looked pretty fantastic too.
Same, but at least it let me know that Rare Replay will keep me busy in August until MGSV dominates my life. And Fallout 4 will arrive when I should be done with that. If it's longer, means MGSV really is that awesome. If not, more Rare goodness for me.
Interesting fact: January 31, 2017 (the 20th anniversary of the game) is on a Tuesday (aka when every game not made by Nintendo comes out). So if I was a betting man......
I don't know, I've imagined some pretty sweet things they can make with Ice Climbers. Mostly a more kid friendly Tomb Raider with co-op.
Yeah, but that's less Nintendo putting these guys in Smash to add content, noticing how popular they are with fans, then try to cash in on that, rather than putting them in because they're planning big things with these characters. In other words, it was a coincidence that these particular characters were popular enough in Smash to justify localizing their games.
Eh, I'd say these are more coincidences than predictions. Smash has a lot of characters who got stuff later, but it also had the Ice Climbers, Mr. Game and Watch, and Ness, who have never got anything save Virtual Console ports.
Paper Mario I'd definitely want. The last two I'd rather have put onto Wii U while I'm not a fan of the others really. Personally, I'd want to see Punch Out! hit there, would be so great on a handheld.
While I'd agree that the extras and builds are too light, I think the level design is a huge step above what I played from DS2 without any of those annoying changes like the life bar cuts or disappearing enemies. Dark Souls is still king, but I'll take Bloodborne over the others.
Resistance 3 did it but only to level 3. Works best with 5-10 levels and just as many on New Game Plus. And the originals getting remade with the later games' mechanics but got pushed back to 2016.
I want more games copying Ratchet and Clank. Specifically it's weapon upgrade system. Why every shooter doesn't use that baffles me