Aaron: Yeah, the patch is already included in the trophy edition, from what I understand.
Aaron: Yeah, the patch is already included in the trophy edition, from what I understand.
Nicole: I am buying it as soon as it is released!
I can't help myself! hahahahah
Laser Sharks! If you equipped one on a Land shark, now that would be awesome!
I probably wont buy it but Im am very much interested in seeing it and reading about it. Very curious indeed.
I don't play RPGs but if I did this might be the one to get. It is short (for RPGs) and it is linear, which I need. So who knows, maybe one day i might play it.
Huey Lewis. I had an LP he put out with a band before He became famous, The name of the band was Clover and it had some decent songs on it. I wish I still had it.
transmet: I did too, have trouble with the controls, Heck, I even accidently turned the psp off a few times. I coudnt wait for the HD PS3 release of PW and yet I still have barely touched it.
TheMart: for some reason PW didnt grab my attention either at first and Im having a hard time getting excited about it, I will play it eventually and Im sure I will like it. I loved Portable Opps!
Yargz: thanks. To get the Stealth camo you have to either, finish the game without any alerts, or shoot all the 64 Keratons. Now the Keraton count will carry over from one game to the next. If I shoot 40 on one playthrough then I need only shoot the other 24 on the next playthrough.