Those Phoenix Wright games are some of the best DS titles ever in my book. They are a lot of fun and very interesting.
Those Phoenix Wright games are some of the best DS titles ever in my book. They are a lot of fun and very interesting.
My Dad was a 32nd degree Mason,which is pretty high up. He never talked about it with any of us,it's a very secretive society. I think they are having trouble recruiting young people into it now. It's all about money,power,and influence it seems to me.
I think they released it for DS and PS2 as well. A good version is up on iOS now,too.
Just finished Tomb Raider yesterday. I thought it was a superb game but I hated the multiplayer. It was all dark and gloomy to the point you could not see very far ahead. Made combat rather tricky to say the least.
My relationship with SNK played out in a very similar way. My parents scoffed at the high price tag of the Neo Geo. I had played the games in the arcade and really wanted one. So now I try to find those collections anywhere I can. Such a great slice of video game history I totally missed out on,but may experience in the future perhaps.
Seems like they want to force the Kinect down our throats. It will be integrated into their next console from what I hear.Hope they don't get just as obsessed with this product.
Lords Of Shadows is failing if it strays too far from the Castlevania game elements. It definitively is not as strong on story as Uncharted 2. Both games are good,but the characters in U2 are what hooked me on it.
Secret Of Mana is one I've never played. If this is an example of the music I should. That was really good. Like the piano quite a bit.
I never realized that about the "videogames" thing. See? My spell check just corrected me! It is supposed to be two words. This book is one we should all read. The history of video games is full of visionary men and women. If not for their efforts we would all be missing a great deal of enjoyment.
The Doom (BFG) game is one I really want to get. I like the more modern versions of Doom. The originals were cool,but got a bit monotonous. I should get more Castlevania games,too. The ones they put out on PS2 were pretty awesome. Time And Eternity is one I haven't heard of before. Looks like a game I should investigate. My poor neglected PS3 needs it!