I've suffered from ear infections quite a lot, so I know how far removed from fun they are. Get well soon.
I've suffered from ear infections quite a lot, so I know how far removed from fun they are. Get well soon.
That video was pretty cool, really well done.
Based on your description, that temple probably would've been where I'd have called it quits if I had made it that far during the one time my older brother let me play FFX on his PS2.
Those look like some fun games, that's for sure.
That Arabian Magic game looks pretty cool. Also wouldn't mind trying out Bust-A-Move, though I'm bad at puzzle games.
Congrats! I'd love to at least try the game out but I don't have much confidence in my laptop to run it properly.
I'm still enjoying the game so far, I'll be sure to write something up when I'm all finished with it.
I've been wanting to play this game for so long. It along with Persona 4 Golden are really tempting me to pick up a Vita sooner rather than later.
I can just imagine the laughter going on at the meeting where they decided on using that song in the commercial as a joke, as well as those same people staying quiet to see how far they could keep it going after getting the green-light to air it.
Wow, you'll probably finish A Feast for Crows before I do, and I started a bunch of months ago. I need to manage my free time better.