Zatana, huh? I'll have to look that one up. If I can remember that name. I think my favorite comic book characters are Sam & Max.
Zatana, huh? I'll have to look that one up. If I can remember that name. I think my favorite comic book characters are Sam & Max.
I was able to get all the Amiibos until recently, when GameStop decided to do all their preorders online instead of a store by store basis. Now I have to compete with everyone in the country, which is nigh impossible. So I may have to stop collecting them. I do hope I can get a Pac-Man one, though.
One good thing about The Tick being a Saturday morning cartoon is that it paved the way for another underground comic to be a Saturday morning cartoon: Sam & Max. That is one of the few comic books I did get into. But I wouldn't call them superheroes. :)
I wonder if the Wii VC was available right away or if it took some time to impliment.
I don't really get into comic books or super heroes much, so I don't think I can think of five favories. So you can pick out some for me that you think I'd like.
Yeah I haven't felt as good in the past two days either. Crazy weather changes! If you get a chance, go read my Story of Seasons review!
I don't really get into comic books or super heroes much, but I do know a lot more about Batman than any other, thanks to the Batman Animated Series that came on in the 90's when I was in high school. So now when I watch a new Batman movie or play a LEGO Batman game, I know who most of the characters are.
Good thing is that you don't have to have Amiibo figures to enjoy all the stuff in the Tekken game.
Yeah that's dumb that Nintendo doesn't have an eShop in Latin America. It's not like that's some sort of podunk area. Nintendo may be one of my favorite companies, but they sure can be dumb sometimes.
Ah, yes, that's the last one that came out. I had a little trouble with that one because I don't know as much about comic books. Pick out a DC character you think I would like.
I'm still sad that Konami bought Hudson and snuffed all their properties.