Congrats guys! (And please don't ban me!)
Congrats guys! (And please don't ban me!)
I also follow the world-view that all mormons are nice people. I worked with a very good friend who was a mormon. I even went to his wedding at a mormon church! Though nice, I can also say they are persistent. Let's just say they will never lose your number, even if you've been avoiding their phone calls for a good two years.
I'm playing XIII-2 right now and loving it. I hate to say lt but that Cloud costume just might get me to pre-order Lightning Returns! I read somewhere else that there will be over 100 costumes in LR. That's a god-awful amount of DLC!
And I for some reason am only on pixlbit after 1am so I'd join that club!
I really liked Monster Hunter and this was made by the same team. DD seems to take many elements from MH and expand them futher. And MH didn't even have a story, so even if I find DD's story to be "mediocre" I'm sure I'll be perfectly fine with the gameplay!
Demon's Souls. Because lets be honest, this was already an old school game!
I was thinking of picking up Fat Princess a few weeks ago. Is there a decent amount of single-player content in that one? I imagine it is a lost cause at this point to find a thriving online community for a niche PSP game.
As others have said, I would rather they remake Metal Gear 1 and 2 as it's such an important part of the story and would benifit from a more theatrical treatment. From what most people say, Twin Snakes is fine as a remake. Wouldn't it be easier to make HD version of that?
Yeah, this generation still has some life in it yet! Last of Us is the big one I will get to eventually. I also need to get Red Dead Redemption at some point. Other games would be Lords of Shadow, Tomb Raider, Rayman Legends, and a crapload of Wii games (as I am yet to own a Wii).
Well, I hope your project is continuing to plug along. No need to rush it out though, it's not like you got a publisher breathing down your neck!
I would caution against Birth By Sleep though. It was a fun game, but you got to finish the game three times just to see the "real" ending. On top of that, most of the cut-scenes nearly put me to sleep. It sort of killed any excitement I have for the franchise, given my shrug at the announcement of KHIII.