That looked like it'd be pretty fun to play, though I probably wouldn't be that good at it.
That looked like it'd be pretty fun to play, though I probably wouldn't be that good at it.
I don't understand the reasoning behind not letting you pause mid-fight, I'd understand if it was an arcade port but since it was made for the Genesis it's a little confusing.
Looks like you'll be pretty busy with all that, have fun!
I was getting into Community, so I'm a little bummed. At least it'll stick around in syndication.
Wow, that's a pretty complex game for it's time. I'd probably have a good bit of fun with it.
I probably wouldn't notice it, but by the time I've saved enough for a Vita I won't have much of a choice.
I kinda don't like reading about delays, but if it's to improve a game I don't think it's that bad. At least as long as it doesn't become a Duke Nukem Forever situation.
I've heard the Super Mario Bros. Game Over music more times than I care to remember, so I can attest to it's perfection.
I played a lot of Toadstool Tour, liked it well enpugh. Though that, one of the 3DS Ambassador games and the demo for World Tour sum up my entire history of playing Golf games.
I like both, so I feel pretty good right now. As far as Nintendo's financials go, I'm sure they'll bounce back at some point.