For Christmas I got the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix HD Collector's Edition, DVDs like The Wind Rises, Sonic Lost World, and a Minion Fart Gun! :)
For Christmas I got the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix HD Collector's Edition, DVDs like The Wind Rises, Sonic Lost World, and a Minion Fart Gun! :)
My friend reviewed this game and its sequel for me at
Yeah I didn't notice much of a change either, but I wasn't paying as much attention. Maybe if you put Skittles in your car? :)
The Sonic & SEGA All-Stars racing games are very good! Can you guess who my favorite characters are?
Some of my favorite arcade racers are:
Road Riot 4WD
Ridge Racer Type 4 (other Ridge Racer games are good, too, but this one's my favorite)
Mario Kart Arcade GP 1,2, and DX (actually they're not as good as you think they would be)
Any other Mario Kart games are fun, too.
OutRun 2000
Crazy Taxi (does that count, not really racing)
And that's all I can think of right now.
Wow, my relatives would be offended. Actually my redneck relatives are very smart people, really.
After all that, you're going to be totally ready for your next snowshoe race!
Lots of good games there. Legacy of the Wizard, Lolo, MappyLand, Marble Madness, and many others. I may have missed it, but do you not have a copy of Little Nemo: The Dream Master or DuckTales? Those were some of my favorites.
We need more Viking games! Remember The Lost Vikings?
All I can say is, "Thank goodness for computer animation." Or at least I'm sure the pig is saying that. :)
I bet it would be at least somewhat interesting to see different commercials than what we have here anyway.