That was definitely a Clerks reference, good job recognizing it man! lol
That was definitely a Clerks reference, good job recognizing it man! lol
There are two sole reasons I cancelled it:
1. I never play online anymore so I couldn't justify the payments for nothing.
2. I have no plans on moving over to the Xbox One, so instead I'm going to swap payments over to PS+ and start building my PS3 collection via the free games every month.
I love the Tiger Woods games. They're best after you've had quite a few brews with some friends and you all get together, turn the wind on high, and let 'em fly!
Seriously, it's fun as hell!
Hmm.. I should print this out and leave it on my boss' desk...
I've missed out on all of the Yakuza games, but I've heard decent things about them for the most part. I'm really interesting in trying the newest installment that came out a few years ago. I'm a sucker for zombies!
It would be awesome in a Zelda-esque form for NES!
I've never finished any of the Half Life games, and the saddest part of that is that I own HL 1 and 2, and the Orange Box as well.. lol
Welcome to PixlBit.
And yes, we have cookies.
Too hard? Ha..
my initial playthrough was weaponless and I did just fine. What a whiner... lol
Have fun and may the force be with you