For 100 bucks I know I'll take a chance on it. Gotta be something worthwhile to play on it. If it takes off it could be something developers will flock to.
For 100 bucks I know I'll take a chance on it. Gotta be something worthwhile to play on it. If it takes off it could be something developers will flock to.
I remember that song....he was pretty cool. Like the pimp car,too. Stylin'!
I just added another figure to my collection yesterday. It's the 2011 version of Sonic and stands about 4 inches tall. Has movable joints and all. Love collecting Sonic stuff,but have no Mega Man collectibles yet. Will definitely be doing some comic shopping tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up and the very informative blog.
Nights is on Wii? Holy crap I need to get that. Like your music picks today,all stuff that's new to me,which is cool. Steel Panther is awesome,I heard a song by them called "Girl From Oklahoma" which hit home with me....funny stuff. Those guys can play,too. What a classic game Skate Or Die is. I played that one a lot in arcades. Had a cool cabinet,as I remember. They should make a museum of controllers and odd peripherals alone. They could fill it with mind blowing strangeness!
It's an interesting concept,but the delivery may have become too directed by folks who don't even play games. That's usually a recipe for disaster!
Such amazing prices on those. I already own a lot of them. Even though I now have a 500 gig PS3 I get all squirelly about using space in there. Had a bad experience when my last one died and I lost stuff. But I do plan on getting a membership card for PS+ in the near future.
Really like that remix a lot. I have the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack on CD and love that music. Some songs I bought on iTunes as well and that is certainly one. Each time I hear it I remember how wonderful it was playing that game the first time. That song is in my iPod right now I like it so much!
Looks like a game I'd be into. Graphics are amazing. At that price I could give it a go. I agree with you on the gay thing. To each their own. It has no effect on me or my life how someone else is living theirs. I am convinced that being gay is the way someone is born. Reason being I grew up with a guy who was sort of effeminate but also was a womanizer. He dated all sorts of girls in high school. When I went away to college I guess something changed. Came back into town and heard he was living with a dude! That's when I put 2 and 2 together and figured out it's genetic. Not a choice at all.
I should read the Hunger Games books. I loved the film and look forward to the next. Of course,these days I like anything with Jennifer Lawrence in it. Glad she won the Oscar. We saw the movie "House At The End Of The Street" recently and she was really good in it. I see what you're saying about the sound of Fitz And The Tantrums. It sounds like they did something in the sound mix to give it a 60's feel. Great sax!
I wanted to put up some video from the Tulsa show back in 2009. But it was all blurry and sounded terrible. It was such a great show. Tonight should be awesome as well.