Shinobi III was great because Joe controls in a smoother manner. everything feels pretty fluid. Not to mentoin, the graphics and were quite awesome for a Genesis game.
I hear ya man. It's funny how the nay-sayers can't account for the fact the Wii was in high demand from EVERYONE back it's early years. Remember when stores where constantly selling out of Wiis pretty as soon as the new stock would come in? Those weren't just "grandmas" buying them. It was a system that Nintnedo created to appeal to just about anyone, and they hit the nail right on the head.
But hey...haters gonna hate, right?
Don't worry, I'll try any drink once.
Ha! Sleep is for chumps....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Yeah, I had a similair feeling about this game when I first saw commercial ads for it. I figured it would be like Uncharted, but with waaay more combat, and I knew I wouldn't be into it that much.
Plus, I'm not happy with Naughty Dog going the M-rated route. I'm still wearing my rose colored glasses from the Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter series. Ironically though, I'd be a fool to think that they were progressively going in the direction with each new game series they'd develope.
Yeah, my family had the same low income situation growing up in the 90's, so the Super NES and Sega Genesis didn't officially get into our home until sometime between 1995 and 1996. The was mine and the SNES was my odler brother's. But maaaan did we have some good times playing together on his SNES!
Of course, we played the heck out of Super Mario World, Mario Kart, and Super Mario All-Stars. Other highlights of my brother's SNES purchases included NBA Live '96 (very easy to play), Donkey Kong Country, Raiden, Super Metroid, Mega Man X, X2, and X3, Super R-Type, Gradius III, Side Pocket, Super Baseball 2020, and Tetris Attack.
Sure, my Genesis got plenty of love from me, but the Super NES was the "2-player" system where I spent so much time and building fun memories with my brother. I always get the warm and fuzzies when I think about it.
Not sure I know what gin tastes like. I should probably find out at some point. Thanks for giving me something new to try :-)
Sounds interesting. Maybe I can check it out and play it with the wife.
Most epic cat pic I've seen yet.