It's Super Mario Galaxy type environments meets Sonic the Hedgehog. Nothing wrong about that. I hope it turns out to be fun to play.
It's Super Mario Galaxy type environments meets Sonic the Hedgehog. Nothing wrong about that. I hope it turns out to be fun to play.
Go figure a website from Gawker Media creating the online version of tabloid articles. Although they're fun/entertaining to read once in a while, yet they're definitely not to be taken seriously.
Playing Super Metroid while taking a dump? Brilliant indeed. The off-TV mode is just that.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I had the fortune to have a friend that managed to get cheap tickets for the IMAX-3D experience. My first time for the 3D, and my second for IMAX (first was way back as a kid at Ontario Place Cinesphere). The 3D was alright, sometimes it worked great, and other times it was just unnecessary. The big screen didn't really make any difference to me. The audio though, OMG. So clear. I loved the sound.
I love Star Trek (TV), the older movies, and both J.J. Abrams movies. Into Darkness is just fucking awesome. I don't get all this hatred I've been reading about. Yeah there might be some mistakes/flaws/whatever-you-want-to-bitch-about in this movie, or the first, but then again the TV series is full of those too. You watch these movies for the characters, and I think they were played just fine.
Alice Eve is HOT.
Adorable to the max.
"one of them had a picture showing the page for the game on the Nintendo Channel ( I assume that is what its called but I'm not sure since I don't have a Wii U)"
Those are posts from the Super Metroid community on the Miiverse. The Miiverse basically works like forums do. Except you can draw on the Miiverse.
They don't know what a manual is. It's right there when you press the Home button.
If anything the Xbox One is geared towards people that watch a lot of TV, and play games occasionally. Since I am not the case, I know I'm not getting this system even if I had the financial means to do so.