Congrats Alex!! You can probably get a USB mouse and some speakers / new headphones for your laptop. That's what I did anyway. My mouse is so damn sensitive that it's impossible to use.
Congrats Alex!! You can probably get a USB mouse and some speakers / new headphones for your laptop. That's what I did anyway. My mouse is so damn sensitive that it's impossible to use.
If this is the best, than I'd hate to see the worst.
I've been thinking about buying this game lately. The insane difficulty doesn't bother me. Aren't all NES games insane? lol. I never really got into SHMUPS for some reason, and feel like it's time. I think the only one on NES that I played was Life Force... and Gun.Smoke if that counts. Thanks for the review man!
This game sounds pretty cool. I don't think I played any NES games that started with a X. Luckily, there were only four of them lol. The mix of shmup and platforming kinda reminds me of Air Fortress. Apollo's ship looks awesome!
I was interested in GTA 5 when it came out. It was hard to ignore all the hype surrounding it. Then I realized that I didn't care for GTA 4 that much, and could simply play Vice City again. I refuse to pay $65 for a new game anymore. There are much cheaper alternatives out there. This sounds like a good plan. There ain't nothing wrong with playing old games!
That Zelda theme was nice. I had rented Four Swords once, but we couldn't figure it out. It seemed like a cool game though.
Good luck with the job Larry! I saw the Xbone and PS4 today at Gamestop. I wasn't impressed. Although I have seriously been thinking about starting to save up money for a new PC lately. It'll take forever, but it'll be worth it.
Damn. That sucks Pete. It pisses me off how developers constantly release buggy crap nowadays. Hopefully they will patch it soon. I was thinking about buying Rayman 2 on Dreamcast. Would you recommend it? Do I even need to ask that question? lol
I had downloaded POE recently.... but my laptop can't handle it. It looks awesome though. I remember all the controversy surrounding Diablo 3. That was the main reason why I had bought Torchlight 2. I think the auction house and online DRM ruined the PC version. Sorry if that's a bit off topic Ben lol.
Yay for Double Dragon Neon!! I was gonna get DuckTales Remastered, but I don't really care for all the changes they made. Plus I already own the NES version. Retro City Rampage is awesome. I'd rather play that than GTA 5 lol.