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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 74

Deadpool Review

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 05:08 PM | Filed Under Review

Sounds like a good Gamefly rental. I really like Deadpool but I had my reservations about how good this was going to be even with Highmoon at the helm. I thought they were kind of hit and miss on the Transformers games, so I figured it could go either way with Deadpool. Glad to hear this game has some redeeming qualities and  its not a total bomb. Great reveiw by the way.

From the desktop of Ben: Omega male experience!

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 03:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm pro pot, no doubt, lol. But I just don't have good self control with it. I don't buy anymore but if some one offers to smoke me out I'm game. Prohibition didn't work with alcohol and its not working with pot either. I have a feeling if things keep going the direction they are pot will be like alcohol in this country within the next 10 years.

As for the race topic its like you said in your blog its divide and conquer. And what pisses me off with these essence people is they are basically trying to create an enviroment of segregation which is exactly what MLK and countless others fought to get rid of. They are hypocrytes. And to get back to education and history most of these people are not aware that there were BLACK SLAVE OWNERS right here in New Orleans. Thats right free blacks in the heart of the south who owned other blacks. Why? Because some slaver owners handled slavery more like endentured servitued and allowed their slaves earn their freedom and even make money on the side. Proving once and for all it has less to do with race and more to do with money and social standing. People with money oppressing and taking advantage of those with out money. But since most people in this country have a half ass education they don't have a clue.

 Knowledge is power and it can be used to vicious effect. You can either empowering them by teaching them. Or keep them under control by keeping them stupid and prey upon their fears and pregudices.

Growing Away From Fighting Games

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 02:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I wish they would make a comeback here in the states. Even though this was ten years ago I was pleasantly suprised to see arcades still flouishing in Canada. As far as I know they are still popular in Japan. My brother has actually found a few decent ones in Houston. I have not found a single one here in New Orleans. Yeah fighters were much better in an arcade setting.

Growing Away From Fighting Games

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 11:41 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think that I don't play them as much as I used to because I don't know anyone who plays them. Online is hit or miss and playing single player gets old quick. Back when arcades still existed that was when I lived for fighters. Street Fighter Alpha, Samurai Showdown 3, King of the Fighter 96, X-men vs Streetfighter, Tekken 3, Soul Edge,ect. I still enjoy them just not as much as I would like to.

From the desktop of Ben: Omega male experience!

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 11:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't finish college either but I'm glad I went and there are a lot of classes I would still like to to take....for free. My issue with college is having to pay for it. I think people holding a monopoly on knowledge is just criminal. Its not just about learning a job skill, many of those classes can broaden you rveiw of the world. In the case of the good ole U.S.A I think if more people in this country had taken the US History class that I took, people would vote much more differently and have a lot less tollerance for the 1% elitsits who have commondered our government for their own benefit.

I agree with your angle on the feminists, out of touch extremeists. Bitching about the art in Dragons Crown is beyond trivial when women are being raped in record numbers in India and north west Africa. Also I get anoyed with people taking past transgressions that have been appeased more or less and continue to milk them. For the record I am not a racist and I have had friends of all races. But here in New Orleans this weekend they are having the Essense festival, a big event by black people for black people. Now if anyone else did something like this especially white people they would be ready to label it a clan rally. Now other racial and cultural groups have events too, but they don't push the idea that its just for them. I have attended the Asian American Festival and the Japan festival, and you see peole of all races attend and you don't feel out of place. Can't say the same for Essence. They have empowerment seminars, and at a couple of them there was recorded proof of these racist dicks telling the attendees not to do buisness with people who are not black. This event brings in people from all over the country and buisnesses like mine depend on money from out of towners, so that does not set well with me. Anyway this was supposed to come full circle to the femists in that you don't fix the situation by fighting extremism with extremism. It just creates more extremsm.

Sorry to here about your situation.I grew up poor too, a bit of loner (mostly by choice). I have dealt with depression and was a hardcore pot head for a while because of it. I still enjoy a little herb once in a while but I have gotten past the deppression and I am in a better place in my life. Its not perfect but no ones life is. But you got talent, imagination, and a good sense of humor. Money can't buy you those.

Some Borderlands 2 tricks of the trade

Posted on 07/06/2013 at 11:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Another thing I just realized too is the warrior tends to drop more irridium and probably is a little easier that to beat than Terramorphous. Also if your high lv character  is he mech or the commando you can also hang around and milk the exp you get from Rack kills with Deathtrap or the turret. Was doing this last night farming eridium for my mechromancer mule and she jumped from lv 16 to 30 an about an hour of just killing the warrior and letting death trap killing rack for a bit .

Ya'll got me curious (FFXIV BETA!)

Posted on 07/06/2013 at 10:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I think a whole lot of us are bitter about what has happend to FF over the last 6 years. But this sounds neat. Going to see if I can squeeze into the beta today.

Ya'll got me curious (FFXIV BETA!)

Posted on 07/06/2013 at 10:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks for the heads up. I will see if I can get on, thought I might have missed my chance.

Red Dead Redemption a Rockstar Masterpiece

Posted on 07/05/2013 at 03:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have been on the fence about this one for a while. But for $20 new at Wallyworld may have to snatch up a copy.

Dragon Quest VIII vs. Rogue Galaxy

Posted on 07/05/2013 at 09:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Rogue Galaxy is a cool game but a little bit flawed in a few ways. DQVIII is a true masterpiece, I really can't fault it on anything. If you can only get one I would say Dragon Quest.

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