I missed out on Mach Rider back then. I think I knew of it but didn't even think it looked like what you've shown right now. Looks like I did miss out.
I missed out on Mach Rider back then. I think I knew of it but didn't even think it looked like what you've shown right now. Looks like I did miss out.
My weekend was mostly food shopping and making the final decision about my dead PS3.
As I'm sure you've noticed the choice has been made...
Though I appreciate this game on XBLA I prefer my copy of capcom classics collection on my Original Xbox. I don't know why but it jus tplays better for me. I wish I could actually play that versio on my 360 than the XBLA version but alas no B/C for that game =(. It's why I bought the XBLA version in teh cabinet offering but it's not the same. But the addition of a turbo button is helpful.
Yet again we console gamers are left out on deals like this. I'll have to wait for the next .99 flash sale on PSN. *sigh*
you might want to wait a bit longer then. I've read and heard from others that there is hardly any story when it comes to the single player aspect. It's bad enough that the single player mode is online only but this coming from Bungie, who's made games with great single player content, is really dissapointing.
My one bro out east likes it because he says it feels like Phantasy Star Online yet my coworker here is really bummed how it has hardly any story and the enemies keep respawning unlike an usual MMO when you clear an area it stays clear.
Yesh! I love the coming of the Fall, the coming of the darkness! It's that weather where there's a bite to the air yet still enjoyable enough to be out in. Soon the leaves will turn, the lawns will die and the smell of wood burning will be in the air.
and soon my favorate month will be upon us: OCTOBERWEEN!
As for you being a white girl on the inside from a small town well...I probably should confess something too..
Just make sure your date didn't end like it does in this video. cheers!
Still haven't read Sandman. Though I think I read up on how the Devil plays into all of it. Or I could be wrong and that's a completely different comic.
No code for me. I can wait till the demo is avaiable to all. I just restarted my nintendo account after forgetting to carry it over when they did the switch.
Doctor Who?!?! No Don't! Save yourself! after Robots I can't imagine what they have in store!?!1 Flee! Save thyself!!!!
Same thing here to with a parent out east. Hope all gets better soon before the coming winter comes.
I plan to get this game on the Wii with the Dragon's Lair Collection or trilogy or whatever it's called. It has both Dragon's Lair games and Space Ace. Either can be played at any difficulty or watched as a whole movie. I remember this at the arcades too but couldn't play them at the time given how the machies were out of order.
Oh I shall eventually. Just count your blessings your systems are still hanging in there. Even my Original Xbox is acting flacky.