Those are some really good deals for 30 cents. I only played Earthbound through emulation. I don't see why people like it so much either or why it fetches such a ridiculous price tag online.
Those are some really good deals for 30 cents. I only played Earthbound through emulation. I don't see why people like it so much either or why it fetches such a ridiculous price tag online.
That food looks delicious! I saw Machine Head once. They opened for Iron Maiden. They were really good live. I need to get some more of their albums.
It's been awhile since I played Blaz Blue so I didn't remember this song. That's a great game by the way. I wish I wouldn't have gotten rid of it. I don't get rid of crap anymore. I always regret it. I just buy more shelves lol.
I lurked on 1up for a long time before having the guts to come out and write my own blogs. I got tired of simply reading blogs and wanted to contribute. I think I started writing about retro games because I figured nobody would care if my reviews sucked or not. I don't think anybody cares about them anyway lol. I've been doing it for so long and made a lot of good friends so it's hard to stop now.
I'm pretty excited about GTA 5. I don't think I'd go so far as to buy the collector's edition though. Mainly because I'm a cheap skate lol.
I only bought one game (Fez) during the Steam sale although I do want to get Gunpoint. The demo was fun. My Steam backlog is pretty ridiculous too. A lot of times I buy games on there and don't even play them for months if ever. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe I don't feel like I truly own them since they are digital?
Probably while playing Battletoads back in the day. I don't get that mad anymore at games though. I played Ninja Gaiden on NES recently and was so close to finishing it.. before giving up. If I get that stressed out I just stop playing.
This game sounds pretty interesting. I can't imagine being a transgender person though. Society places so much emphasis on gender roles and identity. It seems like it would get confusing.
Nice picks! I really liked "Alleviate" and The Kinison.
I feel that Google+ is too complicated. I had to make up a couple of different accounts because my full name was on there. Linking that with a Youtube account sounds like a terrible idea! Youtube is a seething cesspool of trolls and idiots.