I'm just waiting for a Fatal Frame game to utilize the controller.. I think it would be brilliant!
I'm just waiting for a Fatal Frame game to utilize the controller.. I think it would be brilliant!
I can't say it's the best out there.. But were trying!
Right now our biggest problem is trying to over-come out fear of the camera, but it's gotten a lot better over time!
Here's a link to the channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BversusC
Basically what we do is take a game, make up a challenge, and try to beat the challenge.
For instance; Crouching B, Hidden C
The challenge was more or less a Last Man Standing scenerio in which we had to beat a level of Super Mario Bros. Wii, while Crouch-Jumping the entire time.
I'm slightly disappointed that you didn't photoshop a ninja mask onto yourself in all of those photos... lol!
Nice to put a face to the tag though man!
Sony and Microsoft have been collecting data on people for years actually. I read an article not too long ago saying that Sony and Microsoft's true intentions behind the 'achievements/trophies' was to gather data about the player.
Whether they were simply seeing who played what or how they played, they were still tracking us. Mostly though, it was just to see if people played online multiplayer more than the single player story-mode so they knew how to divide their focus whenever they were crafting a new game or a sequel.
If I were to guess though, I'd say that games such as Battlefield and Call of Duty completely skewed those statistics, which is why games are suddenly included the unnecessary Multiplayer feature *Cough cough* Tomb Raider *Cough Cough*
Wow, I never knew that quest existed and this is by far my all time favorite Final Fantasy. Thanks for the heads up Britt, now I need to go do that quest!
Great deals, too bad I already had them though.. Bummer.. lol
In a way I'm kind of glad that there are no new weapons. I think that would be rather odd if I were to play the predecessor and I was left wondering what could of happened to any new gear Kratos would've obtained after Ascension. It's just one of my peeves about prequels though I suppose.
I was listening to Darksiders II soundtrack earlier today! The Guardian is by far my favorite and I've had it on repeat all day.
Cool coincidence!
I was a little disheartened whenever the took away the Celebration/Condemnation button in the new Army of Two game. I loved watching them do an Air Guitar Skit after combat!
I've been seeing them everywhere since I beat that boss in Ninja Gaiden 3.. lol