Yeah if I were to remake Majora's Mask, I'd let you be able to stop time altogether. I know purists would hate me for that, but I don't care. :)
Yeah if I were to remake Majora's Mask, I'd let you be able to stop time altogether. I know purists would hate me for that, but I don't care. :)
Oh you have Rosy Rupeeland? You have to tell us what it's like!
I want to see a game that stars Zelda, too! She's cool!
You know, maybe they didn't include Link to the Past on the GC disc because it was going to be, or recently released, on the GBA?
Congrats on finishing your game! If I had the means and time, I'd play it.
If you have time, please go read my blog!
Yeah it was so brown and muddy!
I'd pick those to be remade, too, if I didn't like Link's Awakening so much more.
Twilight Princess had a lot of good things going for it, like fun combat and neat dungeons. And Princess Zelda was especially cool in that one. But visually, TP was such a fugly game. Minish Cap would be great for the 3D treatment, too. I'd pick it if I didn't like Link's Awakening so much.
I really don't do the ROM emulation thing. I wish Nintendo would do an official release of that.
Are you looking forward to the new Skylanders game? I hoping to review it like I have the others.
I'll play Animal Crossing with you if you get New Leaf on 3DS. :)
I'm looking forward to the 3DS Zelda game, too!