Are those art books? If So I gotta look into that. I have a realy cool book of Yoshitaka Amano's art work from Final Fantasy 5 & 6. Found it at an import shop in Austin TX, set me back $50, but worth every penny.
Are those art books? If So I gotta look into that. I have a realy cool book of Yoshitaka Amano's art work from Final Fantasy 5 & 6. Found it at an import shop in Austin TX, set me back $50, but worth every penny.
Not to jinx you but your PS2 could bite it eventually too, so you would be killing 2 birds by just getting the PS2, plus it has the texture smoother option which realy does make ps1 games look a bit better. Been looking at getting a back up PS2 myself and an extra memory card. Of course this would not be neccessary if Sony and Nintendo had lived up to the hype and had their entire catalogue of games available via digital download. This same kind of bs is why people still have turn tables, because there are a lot of albums that never got re-released on cd. So instead we have to stockpile ancient technology. Kind of reminds me of a Cowboy Bebop episode where they have to track down a working vcr.
I just picked up Bioshock today, I have had 2 for a while and put about an hour into it, felt I needed to play the first before I go back. Strangly other than the combo pack Nicoleb mentioned I was having trouble find it. Guesse I got lucky.
Well Neon Genesis is a good one to start with and is pretty easy to find. Patlabor is another good one. Its less serious and dark like Neon Genesis. Its about a goof ball police squad who pilot these 3 story high work robots called labors.Then there is of course Robotech and Gundam. Robotech is just classic. Gundam has spawned countless story arcs, time periods, even styles as far as story telling even goes. Its been around for over 30 years and they just keep making more.
I agree with you on the Hungergames as for the potency of a certain death being toned down. I think they did it to keep the PG-13 rating and also they maybe thougt it might be controversial seeing a kid killed like a wild animal basically.
I rented Dishonered and played through the first couple of hours. I really liked it, very unique. My only issue was the load time was kind of annoying if you die, which can happen pretty much any time you stumble into a group of enemies. I know, stealth is the name of the game, but sometimes things don't work out how you plan them,lol.
I like Del Torro's style and I'm and oldschool anime fan so dudes piloting giant robots and fighting monsters is something I have always wanted to see someone try and do as a live action film. Several years ago there were rumors of a possible live action Neon Genesis Evangelion movie. It never happend and I don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved,lol.
They were not plot essential details but they brought a higher level of disgust and hate for the guys in charge if I'm thinking of the same details your thinking of. That and just how advanced the Capital was despite how things looked in the ghetto where Katniss grew up.
Kick Ass is like the Yin to Watchmens Yang, I like how they both take the idea of how super heroes would more or less work in the real world.
Yeah I heard the TMNT re-shelled was pretty badly butchered. The original for the SNES is in my opinion the best beat'em up ever made. I was disappointed that re-shelled ended up being such a mess.
Dragon Crown looks awsome. Back in the day this is what I though games were going to look like before everyone went all polygon mad. I loved Odin Sphere so this looks to be right up my alley.
I read the first Hungergames after seeing the movie and plowed through the other two books. Looking forward to the next film, seems like they are not taking to many liberties and sticking pretty close to the original material. I will likely see Iron Man next week, I don't care for crowds. Another movie I'm lookin forward to this summer is Kick Ass 2. Oh and Pacific Rim! Not saying anything just look up the preveiw on youtube.
I'm seriously thinking about it. Is it even out yet? I remember seeing that the xbox and pc were getting it first then the PS3. Guesse I need to check the PS store.
Yeah if you have waited this long that's probably the best way to go. As good as the first game is #2 really improved just about everything.