SNL actually. Coneheads skit. They were handing out fried eggs and beer to neighborhood kids for halloween.
SNL actually. Coneheads skit. They were handing out fried eggs and beer to neighborhood kids for halloween.
Love the Radiohead, skipped the Kanye on principal. Love Bjork too. Weird is good. The Captain Murphy is kind of cool too.
oops "self explanatory" as in 3 Aces are 3 of a kind. There you go.
I do own Lair and they eventually patched it so you don't have to use motion controls. That made it better but I still could never be arsed to do much with it.
Nope a Full house is 3 of a kind plus two of a kind. A Royal Flush is 10, J,Q,K, A of the same suit. A Flush is 5 cards of the same suit but they don't have to be sequential and a Straight is 5 sequential cards but the suit does not matter. A Straight Flush is 5 sequential cards of the same suit.
Two, Three and Four of a kind is sell explanatory and unless there's a wild card 5 of a kind is cheating.
I bought my PS2 well after launch and my first game was Primal. I love that game despite how glitchy it was. I sold my physical copy but have replaced it with digital. My next prominent memory would be Final Fantasy X
I love everything about Folklore except for the motion controls which are a pain in the ass especially during boss battles. Because the game is from fairly early in the PS3's life they forced a lot of that on developers Lair being another classic example. The story in Folklore is great though and I love the graphic style and the music.
That Kirby collection is damn near impossible to find. Congrats.
Almost bought Fire Emblem yesterday but put it back down. Today we were out shopping and I went into Best Buy. Completely sold out. Not surprised really. That's what happened with Awakening at first too.
While I cannot deny their cuteness, I'm a panda purist. Black and white only. :)
If Josh Homme is involved how can it be bad?