On 01/03/2017 at 07:56 PM,
I got a $250 year-end bonus from the market. Usually, I'm very responsible and use that money for bills or stash it away in my savings account. But not this year. With The Last Guardian finally released, I was bad, fiscally irresponsible, and totally selfish. I bought a PS4 and two games yesterday. Neither of them was The Last Guardian, but that will be a purchase I make in the near future. I bought a used system from The Game Box, a local indy game store. They're really good about making sure what they sell is in good working order and have a 90 day warranty on every used system they sell. I really wanted a new system, preferably a bundle, but I also wanted to buy local. I was reassured by the warranty and I've been a good customer there since I discovered them four years ago, so I gave up on the visions the scent of new electronics, squared my shoulders, and made my purchase.